Friday, June 02, 2006

I am doing much better today

Okay, so yesterday I kind of freaked out. I probably should have stayed away from the blog, but hey, I'm just trying to keep it real (insert street gesture of your choice here).

The images from yesterday will stay with me, but I have a much better perspective today. My friend Jeanette, who is an amazing woman of God and was also on the scene (she helped pull the girl out) helped a lot. She reminded me of how God was present in the midst of the horror and that he provided for these two kids in ways that they may never know. There was the fire extinguisher, the pocket knife, and people that were there to help (including a guy that happened to be tall enough to reach the driver). I am humbled to think that in the middle of a life an death situation, God could use me as an instrument.

My hat goes off to the men and women that deal with these things on a daily basis. I usually pray when I hear a siren, but I think I will approach that prayer with a new vigor.

Thank you, my Lord, for your unending grace.

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