Friday, June 30, 2006

Sts. Peter and Paul

I meant to write about this yesterday, but it was a busy day. Yesterday was the feast day for St. Peter and St. Paul. These guys are my heros (as they should be for every Christian). I think they are the perfect example of what Paul wrote about to the church of Corinth (1 Corinthians 12). Their gifts, their experiences, and their approach to sharing the Gospel were completely different, but they both proclaimed "Jesus is Lord" by the same Spirit.

Sts. Peter and Paul are my heros because I can relate to them both. I read about them in scripture and I can see a little bit of myself in each of them. Peter tried so hard, and every time he thought he had it figured out, he screwed up. Remember the whole "get behind me Satan" remark, and of course the denials. Even as the Church was growing, Paul had to correct him about his treatment of the gentiles. Yet, despite all of this, Jesus chose him, because he saw the real potential of this fisherman. I sometimes wonder what God sees in me. Does he see the potential of an Apostle or does he see a man that will always struggle with comfort and fear? I stumble often, and it is usually when I think I got this disciple of Christ thing figured out.

Paul was a know-it-all with a temper, who was humbled by God. My wife often calls me "Mr. Right", not only because I am the man that she married, but because I too can come across as a know-it-all. What can I say, I just happen to be correct a lot of the time, and if I don't know something, I generally will admit it. I know that sounds arrogant, but I am not trying to be boastful. See just like Paul. :) Paul conquered whatever fear might have held him back and just did it. This is not to say he jumped into danger without thinking. He was not stupid. He accepted that danger was part of the job description and trusted that God would protect him and sustain him, and God did.

Anyway, both of these men gave their lives for the Gospel. One was our first pope, the other was our first great evangelist. Through the intercession of these two great Saints, I pray for the grace to boldly proclaim the Gospel of Christ Jesus to everyone I meet as they did.

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