Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Triumph and Agony (Palm Sunday)

Happy Easter!

Okay, so it took me a little longer to reflect than I predicted. I must admit I am still very tired, and Gina and I still have not adjusted back to a normal sleeping schedule. What a week.

So, I think for the sake of readability, I will post a few separate entries instead of one long one about the whole week. Yes, I should have done this as we went along, but oh well.

Holy Week started off with a bang for us, literally. While traveling on a very narrow, curvy mountain road named Bear Creek Road on Palm Sunday, we had a tire blow out. Luckily I did not lose control of our van, and other than my bloody knuckles from changing the tire, no one was hurt. I was also glad that it stopped raining long enough for me to change the tire. That was kind of how the day went.

I must admit that I have never been a big fan of Palm Sunday. It is a schizophrenic day that we remember Christ's joyful and triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, but we also proclaim his Passion. I was in kind of a grumpy mood to begin with, and I was actually hoping it would continue to rain so that we would not have to process from outside (a technical challenge for the musicians). Was this the way to start the week we call "Holy"?

As a kid, I always thought it was the craziest thing that people could go from being worshipers to betrayers and murderers. One minute they are shouting "Hosanna!", the next they are yelling "Crucify him!" We may not go through such drastic changes in our faith, but I sometimes think about the difference of our Sundays and the rest of the week.

Looking back at Palm Sunday, all I can say is that maybe the real message is that there is more glory in the Cross and our suffering, then accolades and praises. Without the Cross, there is no Easter Joy.

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