Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Finding the Voice of God

A mother told me a story this morning about her little boy.

The 4-year old was at preschool and was having a rather frustrating morning. The teacher was blowing bubbles for the students to chase. The little boy could not catch any and he asked the teacher why the bubbles were floating away today. The teacher took this time to teach the child about the wind.

"Can you please make it stop?"

"No. God makes the wind blow and only God can make it stop."

The boy stopped and looked to the sky for a moment. He then looked back at the teacher a little disappointed.

"He said no."

This made me think about the wonderful faith of children and their uncanny ability to hear the voice of God. How did we loose this ability? How did we let the noise of our lives block out the voice of the one who made us?

I am in a major discernment process right now. I wish it was as simple as the looking to the sky and listening to the reply. It probably should be.

I was able to spend time in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament on Friday night. All I could do was throw myself down before the Lord and beg for his mercy and guidance. How I wish God's response to my pleas for help were as clear to me as they were to the child. I long for that child-like faith.

Almighty and ever-living God,
I thank you for your presence in my life.
Grant that I may hear your voice above all others,
and that I may place your will before my own.
May your grace overflow in me.
I ask this through Jesus Christ, my Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

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